Sunday, 18 March 2012

End of the first week.

Friday just wasn't my day. I went into Uni in the morning to work on my Battle for the winds costume, i needed to screen print the rest of my shirt and create similar patches of those on the trousers for the hat. When i got there my screen had been used for someone else's, so i couldn't finish that off and i plan to re-do the screen and finish the shirt for Tuesday.

As i couldn't do this it meant i could work on my shirt as i worried i wouldn't have time to touch it. I carried on with the pleats, making sure every stitch line was straight and even, then pressing them flat. There was only one problem, we didn't starch the fabric before we started them. We were told to starch them but when we came to doing the pleats we wasn't sure when we needed to starch them. So as Mary came to finish her pleats she showed them to Dexter, who then explained to both of us why its best to starch them before. So we then had to restart them, but as soon as we starched them we saw why it was best to starch before, it felt more like paper and was easy to work with, and as soon as i did a couple of pleats they already looked better. This showed me that its better to restart something and do it again for it not to only look better but to make me as a practitioner feel better and be proud of what i have created.

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